Social Insurance

For all those businesses that do not have the time, resources, expertise or desire to manage HR functions, WEmng offers Social Insurance Service

Social Insurance Service


Dealing with governmental bureaus can be tricky, and time consuming, also their process may be bit complicated.


When you have a number of tasks to be finished, this could take some time.


But if you hand it to an expert who is able to handle this, and knows the process by heart, this could save you time, which will defiantly save money.

Social Insurance Solutions Service will:

  • Handle the registry of new employees in the Social Insurance Authority under your company account, by preparing the needed documents (Form1, Birth Certificate, …… etc), and resolving any unexpected issues.
  • Handle the process of unregistering the resigned employee out of the company account in the Social Insurance Authority, by preparing the needed documents (Form 6, …. etc).
  • Handle pension requests for employees over 60, and finish the needed process, and overcome any obstacles.
  • Prepare, submit and approve the annual form 2 for counting the actual number of employees in CLIENT and ensuring that it contains only the actual and real numbers that exist and are operating in CLIENT.
  • Prepare, submit and approve sick leaves for the company’s employees and temporarily remove them from the insurance, according to the case and the satisfactory situation.
  • Prepare, submit and adopt return decisions for the employees returning from their sick leave.
  • Prepare, submission and Stamp national ID cards for CLIENT employees from Social Insurance Authority.
  • Submission and approval of forms for changing the job title of employees of the company.
  • Prepare, submit and adopt the company’s health insurance exemption decision at the General Authority for Health Insurance.
  • Bring the monthly statement of debt, the link for social insurance and the number of workers registered.
  • Follow up on complaints and inspection department in insurance offices and deal with them, address any insurance issue the company may face as a result of periodic inspections or the result of a complaint by one of the company’s employees.
  • Arrange the personnel files within the Social Insurance Authority, ensure that they are not lost and safe, and perform all their archiving operations.
  • All matters and Social Insurance issues that may arise and occur in the company.

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